BBQ Tortilla Pizza

BBQ Tortilla Pizza

TIME: Under 45 Minutes

SERVINGS: 4 Personal Pizzas


1 LB. Chicken breast or breast tenders (marinated and grilled)

4 Flour tortillas (we use Tortilla Land raw tortillas)

1 CUP BBQ Sauce of choice (divided)

1/2 CAN whole kernel sweet corn

1 Red onion

1/2 BUNCH Cilantro

2 CUPS shredded Jack Cheese

OUTLAW Spicy BBQ Blend or SMUGGLER Sweet BBQ Blend


Marinate chicken in a Ziploc bag with ¼ CUP Water, 3 TBSP Olive oil, 1 TSP White Vinegar, 1 TBSP OUTLAW Spicy BBQ Blend. Refrigerate for at least 15 minutes.

1. Preheat oven to 425° with 2 cookie sheets.

2. In a skillet, heat tortillas until crispy and golden brown on both sides. Set aside.

3. Sauté corn with 1/2 TSP Outlaw or Smuggler. Set aside.

4. Chop onion coarsely. Sauté with 1/2 TSP Outlaw or Smuggler until soft and browned (about 5-8 minutes). Set aside

5. Tear cilantro leaves. Set aside.

6. Grill chicken or cook in skillet. Slice thinly and set aside.

To assemble pizzas, remove cookie sheet from preheated oven (important—use oven mitts!). Place 2 tortillas side by side on each cookie sheet and layer ingredients evenly over the tortilla in this order:

-With back of spoon spread 1/4 cup BBQ Sauce evenly across tortillas, within 1/2 inch from the edges
-Cheese (Sprinkle a little extra off the edge to get some crispy cheese!) 

Bake 6-8 minutes

Cut in quarters

Optional: Honey Sour Cream Drizzle (optional)
1/2 cup Sour cream
3 TBSP Milk to thin
1 TBSP Roaring Fork Spice Salted Bourbon Honey (or regular honey)
Mix together by spoon or in a blender

Drizzle evenly over pizza.

TIP: If you want to impress your friends and family, invest $2 in a chef dispenser (fancy term for old fashioned ketchup dispenser). I got a few at Bed Bath & Beyond. It's the only way to get those really cool, artistic drizzles!

Pizza with (really cool, artistic) drizzle.


Look for more tortilla pizzas soon... we're sort of obsessed with them.

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