Tequila Lime Chicken

Tequila Lime Chicken

Wine, beer and liquor aren't just great for drinking, they're great for cooking too. Like salt, they bring out the flavors in food.

NOTE: This recipe is for an appetizers served on a toothpick. To make this dish as a dinner, instead of dicing/cubing the chicken, make as a breast and top with cilantro, cheese and tomatoes.

2 ounces (1 shot) Tequila
OPTIONAL: 2 ounces (1 shot) Tequila—for yourself :-)
2 large chicken breasts pounded and diced
2 TBSP Roaring Fork Spice TEJANO Fajita Blend
1 Lime—juiced
1/4 cup water
1/4 cup avocado (or olive) oil
Below depends on how many pieces of chicken were cut:
Cilantro torn into individual leaves
Cotija Cheese, crumbled or cut into small cubes
Cherry or grape tomatoes—halved
1. In a Ziplock bag, mix TEJANO, tequila, lime, water, oil, then add diced chicken. Mix well until chicken is fully coated and let marinade in refrigerator for 30 minutes or more.
2. Pour all contents from Ziplock bag into hot skillet, cook until done (Internal Temp 165°).
3. Create toothpicks by skewering 1 piece of diced chicken, cheese, cilantro leaf, and half tomato.

1. Make it with white fish or tofu


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